Star Trek Episodes


What is this website?


If you've ever wanted to watch an episode with a specific character, you know the pain of sifting through Memory Alpha, Wikipedia, or IMBD trying to find all the episodes they were in. No more! Star Trek Episodes provides a simple way to list all episodes with their descriptions, an image, and a link to Memory Alpha, just in case. Now you ask, why is this any different than Wikipedia?

All episodes here are tagged by characters, moods, planets, species, and ships. Want an episode featuring Klingons? Look up "Klingon" in the search bar and click it. Now, only episodes with Klingons will be shown. Want an episode with Klingons and Kirk? Select both! Simple as that.




Note: Not all episodes have not been tagged yet. If you know basic HTML/XML, feel free to fork my repo and add some tags because this will take a while.

Current Progress: TOS, TAS, and TNG are done.
